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Re-use refers to the using again of a product, object or substance that is not waste, for the same purpose for which it was conceived, without the necessity of repair or refurbishment – according to the Basel Convention.

Re-use and re-sell imply a user choice to hand over to another user, most frequently without intermediary and with no modification of the product or service. It applies to the use of second hand products, or product reused after cleaning.

Re-use and re-sell can be implemented at little costs, and has strong potential in retaining value of a product or service for a longer time period. 

As the potential for re-usability becomes a selection criteria when purchasing a product, object or substance, users encourage the production side to offer more robust products and materials, with a longer lifetime – hence fostering more sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Useful resources


Read more about UNEP experience in building circularity

All processes

Guiding principle

User to user

User to business

Business to business